142. Manifesting a Supernatural Future: More from Dr. Joe Dispenza
Girl, Take the Lead!March 14, 2024x
00:13:0311.96 MB

142. Manifesting a Supernatural Future: More from Dr. Joe Dispenza

In this “Girl, Take the Lead!” Sound Bite, we continued to explore the field of energy by continuing to dig into the book, 'Becoming Supernatural’ by Dr. Joe Dispenza,


Here are the three takeaways from today’s episode:

1. The Power of Mental Rehearsals: Dr. Joe Dispenza emphasizes the importance of mental rehearsals as a tool for personal transformation and manifestation. By vividly imagining desired outcomes with clarity, detail, and emotion, individuals can reprogram their subconscious minds and align their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs with their goals.


2. Embracing Oneness and Non-Duality: The script highlights Dr. Dispenza's discussion of oneness and non-duality, where individuals realize their interconnectedness with everything in the universe. This concept involves transcending conventional perceptions of reality and recognizing the profound connection between mind, body, and the larger universe.


3. The Importance of Changing Energy and State of Being: Dr. Dispenza stresses the significance of changing one's energy and state of being to create a different future. This involves shifting from unconscious states of mind and body to consciously demonstrating peace, love, gratitude, and kindness throughout the day. By doing so, individuals can contribute to their personal evolution and the collective consciousness.


As Mentioned:

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book: Becoming Supernatural


Non-Duality w Chris Davis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO7BprAThxQ


Ep 139, Energy Leadership w Brandy Mabra

Ep 140, From Victim to Creator: A Deep Dive into the Book, ‘Energy Leadership’

Ep 128, Mike Dooley & Manifestations

Ep 123, Intentions

Ep 110, The Power of Regret

Ep 70, Atomic Habits by James Clear

Ep 33, Emotions of Change

Ep 41, Mindfulness with Cynde Denson

Ep 56, Love & Kindness

Ep 2, Humor & Leadership



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