Dena Patton (GenX) joins Yo in this episode to discuss her book, The Greatness Game and living a more inspiring life.
Dena Patton has been an elite business and leadership coach and consultant for the last 20 years. She works with world changing business owners and purpose-driven leaders to help them go from good-to-great in their leadership, income and impact. Her 3-Pillar coaching approach helps her clients to build: the systems to be a well-oiled company, the sales-strategy to be a well-funded company, and the greatness mindset to be a well-led company.
3 Episode Takeaways:
1. Greatness is all about mindset. We can learn tools to access it and when we do our greatness increases. It takes work!
2. We can look at our results and see/hear our beliefs in our language. We say smallness beliefs all the time.
3. Our smallness thoughts become our smallness “truths”. Somewhere along the way we agreed to this smallness statement. The good news is that we can come out of agreement and create a greatness “truth” instead.
As Mentioned in the Episode: for free self-care downloads that will change your life.
Related Episodes:
Ep. 69 A Simple Model for Changing Habits
Ep. 70 Let’s Keep Digging Into Habits with Atomic Habits by James Clear
More about Dena:
As a key-note speaker and best-selling author of The Greatness Game, Dena has garnered over 60 media stories, and her vision, values, and purpose transformed her career from good to great, and she is passionate to help others do the same!! She is a mom and a law enforcement wife, and when she isn’t working she is giving back as the co-founder of The Girls Rule Foundation, an Arizona 501c3 that offers leadership and empowerment programs for teen girls nationwide.
Ways to reach Dena:
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Ways to reach Yo: (Yo)
FB group: Girl, Take the Lead
yocanny (Yo)