Uri Talmor (Gen X) joins Kiki (GenZ) and Yo (Boomer) to talk about Internal Family Systems (IFS). Uri has been a psychotherapist since 2004 and has been using Internal Family Systems or IFS since 2003 in his practice. The goal of IFS therapy is to help people identify and accept the different parts of themselves and heal the parts that are wounded. Kiki had recommended the book, No Bad Parts, by Richard Schwartz, PhD, for the podcast and Uri has graciously shared his expertise.
This recording was so juicy we had to break it into 2 parts so be sure to listen to both to get all the aspects of this model.
One of our goals as a podcast is to help us all know ourselves better so we understand our leadership style and how we can hold ourselves back. This discussion is to help you see some of the aspects of who you are, where those tendencies might come from, and how to embrace and have compassion for ourselves, so we can have it for others.
3 Takeaways:
1. IFS is a method that brings us a way to see ourselves as a complete Self with no bad parts.
2. We can embrace our exiles, fire fighter, and manager – acknowledge and validate them.
3. The Self is characterized by what IFS calls the 8C's: compassion, curiosity, clarity, creativity, calm, confidence, courage, and connectedness. As opposed to many other models, IFS holds that everyone has access to these qualities at their core.
Mentioned in the Episode:
No Bad Parts – Book by Richard C Schwartz, PhD
Related Episode:
Part 1 Ep. 115 Inside Out: Unveiling the Layers of Internal Family Systems (IFS) with Uri Talmor
Part 2 Ep. 116 Inside Out: Unveiling the Layers of Internal Family Systems (IFS) with Uri Talmor
More About Uri:
Uri graduated from Naropa University's Transpersonal Counseling program and has been teaching there since 2013. A well-loved faculty member, teaching is the highlight of his professional career. His mission and passion are to help make the world a better place for all children. Everything he teaches is connected to this goal, and he is overjoyed for any opportunity to share helpful information that supports child wellness, especially models like IFS that address children's rights on the intra-psychic plane. He co-founded The Healed Healer Institute with his life partner and brilliant Enneagram career coach, Cherie Wilcox. The institute provides training opportunities for healing professionals to master the healing arts through their own healing and personal growth. When he's not seeing clients, supervising therapists, or teaching, he cherishes his time with his two wonderful daughters and amazing life partner.
How to reach Uri:
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