208. Gift Guide for the Heart & Mind: Top Reads from Girl, Take the Lead!
Girl, Take the Lead!December 18, 2024x
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208. Gift Guide for the Heart & Mind: Top Reads from Girl, Take the Lead!

We have been so blessed to have had some amazing authors as guests. As a way to celebrate this we wanted to highlight them in this episode as a gift guide that touches both heart and our mind. Books have been broken into 4 sections and if you’d like to listen to the episode we suggest going to https://girltaketheleadpod.com, it’s easy to search there but we’re also available on most podcast platforms.

All books can be purchased on Amazon: https://amazon.com.

Section 1: Empowering Leadership & Career Growth

182, Fearless Female Leaders by Kathy McAfee & Rosemary Paetow

192, LadyShark by Chrissy Grigoropoulos, Esq.

187, The New Rules of Influence by Lida Citroën

199, Pioneer Your Career Change by Lata Hamilton

202, Escaping the Career Trap by Tammy Alvarez.


Section 2: Self-Discovery & Personal Growth

145, Listening for Candor by Peter Yaholkovsky.

153, Name, Claim & Reframe Workbook by Andrea Mein DeWitt

155, Heal the Four Woundings by Amber Ontiveros

173, Burned by Julie Bee

130, Happiness is a Habit by Michele Phillips

Section 3: Business & Inclusive Practices

143, All Up in Your Business by Julianna Newland

151, Tread Loudly by Kristine Cherek

147, Inclusive 360 by Bernadette Smith

Section 4, is Personal Stories & Inspiration

135, Lifeline by Lane Gardner, THREAD

149, I’d Rather Be Dead than Deaf by Andrea Wilson Woods from the Blue Faery Foundation

161, Well Sh*t by Hannah MacDonald-Dannecker


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