167. Empowering Women in Philanthropy: Heather McLeod Grant Redefines Traditional Giving
Girl, Take the Lead!June 11, 2024x
00:40:1836.91 MB

167. Empowering Women in Philanthropy: Heather McLeod Grant Redefines Traditional Giving

Heather McLeod Grant (GenX), social impact and philanthropy advisor, thought leader, and social entrepreneur with 30+ years expertise in strategy, leadership, governance, networks, and leadership for social change joins Yo to talk about women and philanthropy.


Did you know that there will be a massive asset-transfer of $30T over the next decade?

And some estimate women will control 60-70% of the giving and control 85% of purchasing decisions?


Heather lets us know that philanthropy doesn’t look like the balding, white guy with a top hat. It looks like us! Women are going to be a significant story when it comes to giving in 10-20 years.


Topics covered in the Episode:

Trends in philanthropy

Key statistics related to women’s giving

Giving Circles: what are they and how do they work

Women making a big splash in philanthropy

Key questions we should ask ourselves when it comes to our philanthropic journey


Here are three takeaways from the episode:

1. Women are stepping up and getting more involved – it’s not just men – and other trends include that donors are giving while living and tend to be younger.


2. Women give differently than men - they are more community centric, more diversified in their giving, and less interested in having their name on a building.


3. Giving circles are massively growing with more than 2500 nationwide. They serve as way to amplify the gift and democratize philanthropy. You can contact Yo to learn more.

Mentioned in the Episode:

Authored by Heather:

Forces for Good

The Giving Code

Leading Systems Change

Pioneers in Justice


And a few additional sources & resources on giving circles/ women in philanthropy:

Philanthropy Together (research and resources related to giving circles)

Women's Philanthropy Institute at Indiana University


More About Heather:


She is currently passionate about working with women donors and leaders, with a DEI and gender-equity lens. Co-founder of Open Impact, Irvine New Leadership Network, Who Cares Magazine; Author of Forces for Good, The Giving Code, The Giving Journey, Pioneers in Justice, Leading Systems Change, & many other articles.


How to reach Heather: 

LinkedIn You can also contact her at the firm she co-founded, Open Impact.


How to reach Yo Canny: 


Our website:


You can send a message or voicemail there. We’d love to hear from you!



yo@yocanny.com (Yo)


FB group: Girl, Take the Lead








