In case you’re looking to find YouTube Music as a way to listen and watch your podcasts it’s an app you can find on your phones by searching YouTube Music.
If you’re a podcaster here’s some info you might like to have based on my experience to date:
- YouTube Music recently started taking the RSS feed from other platforms which is super helpful. Yay!
- I still upload clips on YouTube and direct listeners to YouTube Music if they’d like to hear the full episode.
- Being on YouTube Music has helped me expand my reach, albeit slowly. Right now I’m learning to optimize my clips – hard to get them to a minute or less because I love the content but one of them has over 500 views. Not bad.
- Hashtags don’t seem to work like they do on other social media platforms. I think it’s because YouTube is an amazing search engine with Google behind it so it picks up key words not just from the title but also from the description. I’ve spoken to others and that’s their experience as well.
- So far I’ve posted both audio and video episodes and haven’t seen a difference in plays which I find interesting. This could be the result of being smaller as I’ve got only posted 30 or so of my 130 episodes. I’ve wanted to see if I really needed the episode to be a video format and decided to do both and use video whenever I can.
Hope this is helpful!