I have been a crafter for as long as I can remember. Using my imagination to create products has been a long-held family tradition. During my marketing career I put my creativity skills to work and launched over 90 new products nationally. I picked up scrapbooking and card making about 30 years ago so it seems appropriate that those crafts continue to evolve as my ‘voice’ evolves. I want to keep putting those skills to work and have them benefit others.
I am so thrilled to introduce Heartfelt Cards and Gifts from "Girl, Take the Lead". I make all the cards and gifts myself with tons of love and I think I reflect a different lane in card making. One that appreciates, celebrates, and supports women. Do you have women you love that you'd like to let know you appreciate, celebrate and support them? You're in the right place: https://girltaketheleadpod.com/shop.
And that's not all. Proceeds from this effort will be tied to my passion to support organizations/institutions working hard to educate others. Beneficiaries include organizations that have appeared on the podcast and institutions I care for deeply.
The list includes:
· Girl Scouts of Northern California
· Blue Faery, The Adrienne Wilson Foundation
· THREAD Connection thru Expression
Thank you for joining me on this journey and for your support in listening/viewing the podcast.
You are much appreciated!